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Massage Blog

An ongoing series of general information & Self-Care

FAQ's of Deep Tissue Massage

The top 5 most asked questions for deep tissue massage, including does it hurt?

The Jing Method

What is the JING Method and how is it different to other types of massage?

New to Massage?

What happens during a typical treatment from booking to leaving.

Plantar Fasciitis

Self-Care for pain in the heel & foot 

TMJ / Jaw Pain

Jaw dysfunction can be linked to headaches and even painful periods?


Pelvic Girdle Pain during pregnancy 


New Year - New Routine?

Tips to avoid injury when starting a new workout routine.

5 Myths of Massage

So, you think you know massage,

but did you know this?

5 Gems of Massage

Here are my top 5 hidden

Gems of Massage

What is Tai Chi?

 Tai Chi, Qigong & Shibashi

Coming Soon...

Watch this space!

Coming Soon...

Watch this space!


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